Hi all,
Here's a step by step guide on how to install Flarum software on our Business / Reseller Servers for you or your clients.
So far we run multiple tests on our servers and everything seems to be working as expected.
Our How To will be ready with in the next few hours, so for all of you asking a self how to get ready...we will publish it here soon!.
Let's try and install a flarum forum fresh and clean on a cPanel server.
What you need!
- Access to Terminal from cPanel
- Database (MySQL is fine for now) so make sure you create one from cPanel with full rights.
- Simple commands that you can copy and paste from here!
For starters log into your cPanel account (you can do this with one click from your client area at : https://cp.gozenhost.com)
Once you are in your cPanel account search (you can use cPanel search function) for the "Terminal" icon...click on it and let the magic begin!!!
For our example we are going to install the Flarum Forum under the subdomain forum.your.domain so in order to achieve this we will type the following command on our Terminal window!
composer create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta
If you get an error like the following
Just remove the folders using your cPanel File Manager ( cgi-bin and .well-known ) and your problem is solved.
By default on our servers you don't need to configure anything in regards the required modules for Flarum so that's something we already did for you!
Composer is also pre installed.